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CYB 410 1-1 Discussion: Introduction to Cyber Risk ...

CYB 410  1-1 Discussion: Introduction to Cyber Risk

Possible Points: 30

Begin by introducing yourself to the class. Include your major and anything you would like to share about yourself. Then address the prompt below.

For your initial post, think about your own personal data and the devices you use at home. In what areas are you the most vulnerable? You might consider areas such as saving passwords in a browser, buying products online, using social media, or saving photos in the cloud. What are your critical risks from these vulnerabilities? Have you taken any steps to address those risks? If so, what have you done?

In your response posts, evaluate which tenet of the confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA) triad is most affected by your classmates’ identified risks. Examine how that tenet could be used to inform good decision making.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.

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