CYB 310 : 5-3 Project Three Milestone: Network Reconfiguration Pre-planning ...
Network Reconfiguration Pre-planning
Pre-planning is an industry exercise used in many different Information Technology (IT) related activities. The most common pre-planning exercises used in IT are new technology implementation or network reconfiguration. In this milestone, you will plan the network reconfiguration requirements needed for Project Three, which is due in Module Seven. For Project Three, you will reconfigure a network and provide a status report to your manager. You will use the instructor’s feedback on this assignment to help you properly reconfigure the network. Project Three is a time-based exercise in the CYB 310 Sandbox lab. Having a plan before you begin your reconfiguration exercise will save you time. This project emulates very real deadlines for go-live dates that you will encounter in the IT industry. This type of planning will help you meet those dates and reduce the need for complex troubleshooting later.
This milestone will also help you better understand the flow of traffic in the network. It requires you to think through the traffic flow using the VLANs to visualize the flow of traffic through each department. Visualizing the network traffic is important because you will also create a traffic flow policy for the edge firewall in Project Three.
Congratulations! You are the leading candidate for the cybersecurity analyst position. The company is restructuring. Your last step in the interview process is to use the virtual sandbox to create a proof of concept of a network configuration that reflects the new organizational structure. The IT manager has provided a network configuration planning template you will use to complete this task.
Open the CYB 310 Sandbox, click on the GNS3 icon, and select Project Three Milestone from the Projects Library list. Review the current network state and use the environment to complete the Network Reconfiguration Planning Template, which is linked in the What to Submit section. A link to the sandbox is in Module Five of the course.
You must address the following rubric criteria:
- Network Reconfiguration Notes
- Customer Experience Department: Identify the number of PCs and number of switches
- HR Department: Identify the number of PCs and number of switches
- Network Servers: Identify the number of server(s), the number of switches, and the number of routers
- Backbone (Network Device Infrastructure): Determine the network connections of your future state network reconfiguration.