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CYB 300: 3-3 Milestone One: Scripting for Automation ...

CYB 300: 3-3 Milestone One: Scripting for Automation Assignment

Scripting for Automation


It is important to familiarize yourself with a variety of Linux commands. One approach to accomplish this task is to practice different commands. In this assignment, you will apply the commands explored in previous activities to complete specific requirements. In many cases, creating a baseline image for a device is a common practice for implementing security standards. Although the application of these commands to creating a baseline may not be directly clear, many of them are useful actions in creating a baseline; an understanding of the structure and capabilities of what the command is attempting to do can be used in a larger picture to secure a system.


Your organization has recently acquired a number of assets as the result of a merger. Your manager has asked you to develop a script to create a baseline for these newly acquired computer assets. Complete the Milestone One Worksheet, including screenshots of results; you will find the worksheet linked in Module Three of your course. In addition, develop a single executable script to implement this new baseline configuration to meet the following requirements:

  • Change time zone to Pacific/Tahiti Time
  • Set date/time to 6:00 a.m. on March 1 of this year
  • Create a user group called CYB300
  • Create a new local user with the following parameters:
    1. Username: First-Name-Last-Name
    2. Password: Password123
    3. Add user to the CYB300 group
  • Display a list of running processes beginning with “n” and send them to a text file named “n_Services.txt”
  • Export Bash history to a text file named “CYB_300_History_Firstname_Lastname.txt”


Submit the completed Milestone One Worksheet with screenshots of each configuration requirement and your final executable script. You will find the worksheet linked in the milestone assignment in Module Three of your course. You will be working in the CYB 300 Sandbox environment. Specifically, you must address the following critical elements:

  1. Change time zone to Pacific/Tahiti Time. Provide a screenshot of the Linux shell environment showing the successful configuration.
  2. Set date/time to 6:00 a.m. on March 1 of this year. Provide a screenshot of the Linux shell environment showing the successful configuration.
  3. Create a new local user that meets the requirements. Provide a screenshot of the Linux shell environment showing the successful configuration.
  4. Create a text file containing the list of running processes beginning with “n”. Provide a screenshot of the Linux shell environment showing the successful results.
  5. Export Bash history to a text file named “CYB_300_History_Firstname_Lastname.txt”. Provide a screenshot of the Linux shell environment showing the successful results.
  6. Create a single executable script that contains all the Bash script statements. Provide a screenshot of the Linux shell environment showing the successful completion of the script.


CYB 300 Milestone One Worksheet

For each required script element, a command is given that will display the results of the script. Use this validation command as the source for your screenshot. Complete this worksheet by replacing the bracketed phrases in the Bash Script Statement and Screenshot columns with the relevant information.


Required Script Element

Bash Script Statement


Change time zone to Pacific/Tahiti Time

[Insert script code.]

Validation command: timedatectl

[Insert screenshot.]

Set date/time to 6:00 a.m. on March 1 of this year

[Insert script code.]

Validation command: timedatectl

[Insert screenshot.]

Create a new user group called CYB300

[Insert script code.]

[Insert screenshot.]

Create a new local user with the following parameters:

  • Username: First-Name-Last-Name
  • Password: Password123
  • Member of CYB300 group

[Insert script code.]

Validation command: id username

[Insert screenshot.]

Display a list of running processes beginning with “n” and send them to a text file named “n_Services.txt”

[Insert script code.]

Validation command: cat n_processes.txt

[Insert screenshot.]

Export Bash history to text file named “CYB_300_History_Firstname_Lastname.txt”

[Insert script code.]

Validation command: cat CYB_300_History_Firstname_Lastname.txt

[Insert screenshot.]


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